Senior management team

Saiful Doeana
Director of OperationsSaiful Doeana has a lot of experience for more than 25 years working with government institutions, both development and private in the fields of general management as well as human resources and development. The last company he worked for was Aviastar Mandiri Airline as Director, previously he worked at PT Vale Health and Education Foundations, Chemonics International, PT Mattel Indonesia, and Monsanto Indonesia – and many more. He also served as a Consultant for KEMENPAN, at that time served as Head of the Bureaucratic Reform and Decentralization Unit at AusAid, as well as Director of Human Resources at the Aceh & Nias Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency at that time. His extensive experience in the field of general management will be a good basis for occupying this position at KEMITRAAN. Mr. Saiful holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from the University of Indonesia and a Master of Science degree from Florida State University, USA in the field of Population Studies.