Mr. Laode M. Syarif, one of the applicants for the formal examination of the KPK Law (UU KPK), shared his feelings after the Constitutional Court’s decision. According to him, the KPK Law is most often challenged to the Constitutional Court, and since the time of the Constitutional Court led by Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie, Prof. Mahfud, until Prof. Hamdan Zoelva, KPK is not in the constitution but is considered an important institution in the Indonesian constitution (constitutionally important).
According to him, there has been a paradigm shift from the judges of the Constitutional Court in the current period. As a former KPK leader, he also spoke about the chaos of the National Insight Test (TWK). This test resulted in the deactivation of around 75 KPK employees whose performance has been proven to make corruptors frightened.
Did the rejection of the judicial review at the Constitutional Court, and the TWK process lead to the death of the anti-corruption institution that has been the pride of the country?
Check out Kemitraan Indonesia’s YouTube Channel for full and further information.