KEMITRAAN was selected by British Petroleum (BP) Berau Ltd for the Capacity Building Program for Government Officials and Civil Society Organization Strengthening. This program aims to establish effective institutional governance for local governments in Teluk Bintuni and Fak-Fak Regencies in West Papua Province.
In the concept of good governance, two main aspects are critical: state effectiveness and effective governance. In Papua, Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for the Provinces of Papua and West Papua mandates special policies for local governments to manage local natural resources to improve the welfare of the Papuan people.
However, initial findings from KEMITRAAN indicated that local government capacity in West Papua was still lacking in meeting the needs of the Papuan community, with a stronger focus on top-down planning approaches than bottom-up. To support the continuation of BP Berau’s Project over the next three years, KEMITRAAN focuses on increasing the bureaucratic capacity of the local governments of Fak-Fak and Teluk Bintuni Regencies to provide effective public services. Additionally, the program supports the advocacy capacity of local civil society organizations to enhance Papuan community participation at the local level.
In 2019, the project recorded several important achievements:
- Training for local governments to strengthen bureaucratic management in providing basic public services for Papuan communities.
- Capacity building for government officials on data collection related to population and migration at the district level, managing revenue-sharing funds (DBH) from the Oil and Gas Industry for the West Papua Provincial Government, and training on planning, budgeting, and monitoring mechanisms. This training also involved the Regional Secretary, government officials, and Bappeda to enhance coordination and integrated development planning from the village (kampung), sub-district, and district levels.
- Establishment of a multi-stakeholder forum on development in Teluk Bintuni Regency.
- Capacity building for selected NGOs and civil society organizations.
The success of this program has laid the foundation for building Good Corporate Governance among BP Berau Ltd, local communities, and local governments in Teluk Bintuni and Fak-Fak Regencies.
Project Period
BP Berau Ltd
Teluk Bintuni and Fak-Fak Regencies, West Papua