The Indonesian National Police Governance Index (ITK) is designed to measure the performance and achievements of the Police Bureaucratic Reform Program. It encompasses innovative general and regional policies as well as the performance of Indonesian National Police (Polri) human resources. Rewards and sanctions are given to Provincial Police (Polda) and Precinct Police (Polres) based on the governance index (ITK) achieved. Globally, Polri is the only police institution that adopts an index method with different units of analysis for Polres and Polda.
The uniqueness of the Indonesian National Police Governance Index lies in its participatory process, conducted by KEMITRAAN as an external institution to Polri. All components, including officials at Police Headquarters, Kapolri’s expert advisors, the National Police Commission, citizens, media, academics, and KEMITRAAN, are involved in the assessment.
ITK serves as a tool to measure the performance and achievements of the Police Bureaucratic Reform Program using seven principles of good governance for the police: competence, responsiveness, behavior, transparency, fairness, effectiveness, and accountability, in an objective and comprehensive manner.
In 2016, KEMITRAAN collected data from 31 Polda across Indonesia. In 2015, Polri and KEMITRAAN published the assessment results from 12 divisions at the Polda level, including the community guidance unit (Binmas), traffic control (Lantas), police intelligence (Intelkam), Marine Police (Polair), general criminal investigation (Reskrimum), special criminal investigation (Reskrimsus), narcotics-related crime investigation (Resnarkoba), crime prevention (Sabhara), and Human Resources (SDM) across regional police levels.
Ongoing assessments have been conducted for data collection in the ITK Project, while KEMITRAAN and Polri reviewed 12 divisions at Police Headquarters (Mabes Polri). Based on the assessments over the past three years (2015-2018), KEMITRAAN found that the core function of harkamtibmas (maintaining security and public order) consistently scored lowest on the principles of competence, justice, and accountability at both Polda and Polres levels.
However, in 2017, the harkamtibmas function scored the highest in marine areas, border regions, and high-conflict-risk zones. In conclusion, the quality of police personnel and organizational systems, from input-process-output to outcome-impact stages, remains a critical issue in the Police Bureaucratic Reform.
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