1 Jun 2022 – 1 Jun 2027
The ESTUNGKARA program aims to realize inclusive governance in Indonesia for indigenous peoples, especially women, children, and people with disabilities and other minority groups. This program also promotes gender equality and justice, social inclusion, economic improvement and capacity building of civil society organizations. ESTUNGKARA itself is taken from the Sanskrit language which means the ability to face problems. In this project, ESTUNGKARA means equality to eliminate injustice and discrimination. KEMITRAAN through the ESTUNGKARA program is one of the partners for the INKLUSI Program (Partnership Australia Indonesia Towards Inclusive Society) which emphasizes empowerment, equality, equity and access.
ESTUNGKARA program works in 7 provinces, namely Banten, West Sumatra, Jambi, Central Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi.
Our Focus
ESTUNGKARA promotes development policies and planning, as well as community empowerment by emphasizing women, children, and people with disabilities as the main subjects in the program focus.
- Providing assistance to access basic services for indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities
- Encouraging the implementation of the Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) approach
- Economic empowerment to encourage women’s independence
- Promoting an end to violence against women and children
- Collaborating with a number of local partner organizations in 7 provinces
- Monitoring Covid -19 assistance through citizen journalist mechanism
- Strengthening multi-stakeholder forums (government, CSOs, media, universities, private sector)
- Institutional strengthening of community economic enterprises
- Equality campaign for young generation
- Increased access to basic services, especially legal identity services, access to education and health, and social assistance
- Increased social acceptance of indigenous communities and other marginalized communities, especially for women, children and disabilities
- Increased skills and behavioral changes of indigenous women’s groups in decision-making processes
- The existence of national policies that are inclusive of indigenous women’s groups in accordance with the direction of national development policies.
Inclusive development is development that humanizes people, so realizing governance through inclusive policies is an important asset in creating an inclusive society.
Check out Estungkara’s stories that tell stories of change, good practices, and stories of indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities at https://estungkara.id/