The carbon emission reduction program in East Kalimantan, which is supported through funding from the forest carbon partnership facility (FCPF) and managed by the World Bank, aims to provide incentives to communities that have participated in reducing deforestation. The amount of verified emission reduction incentives will be distributed to stakeholders and communities according to a previously agreed benefit sharing plan.
In 2021-2022, the World Bank together with the Directorate of Climate Change Mitigation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), the Directorate General of Climate Change of MoEF, and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan agreed on the need to implement the ENABLE Program to ensure inclusive distribution of results-based incentives to groups that have been marginalized. The first phase of ENABLE carried out technical assistance work supported by the World Bank in preparation for the second phase of the project.
For three consecutive years starting in mid-2023, during the implementation of the emission reduction program (ERP) in East Kalimantan, the project builds a capacity building model and training and facilitation tools that can be adopted and replicated across villages participating in the ERP in East Kalimantan Province. Village-level facilitation will prioritize 95 ERP target villages in three districts. The project will have two main components and one management component:
COMPONENT 1: Capacity building for inclusive delivery of ERP benefits. This component will focus on strengthening the capacity of government stakeholders to effectively engage communities. This component includes strengthening communication platforms and training for village and sub-district and district staff on knowledge dissemination skills appropriate to the challenges faced by communities. This component also focuses on consultation and engagement with women and marginalized groups in the community. The goal is that all parties can understand the benefits of the ERP.
COMPONENT 2: Support for inclusive livelihoods. This component focuses on supporting community participation in the ERP to access the benefits of the program. The component will strengthen sustainable low-carbon livelihood development models (e.g. honey production, swallow nest cultivation, pineapple, as well as other non-timber forest product production) that focus on gender inclusion and recognition of local wisdom. This component will support community and NGO partners to develop eligible proposals to be incentivized by the FCPF. Proposals can include nature-based solutions and biodiversity positive projects[1]. Under this component, the ENABLE project will select up to 150 villages for facilitated proposal development.
COMPONENT 3: Project management, monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge dissemination. This component will cover all costs of project management and administration, monitoring and evaluation, and communication.
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