KEMITRAAN and Komnas Perempuan held a public discussion in commemoration of International Women Human Rights Defenders Day at the Aryaduta Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/11/2023).
The hashtag of #IndonesiaTidakBaik-baikSaja increasingly strengthened in the civil society movement as a symbol of resistance to the decline and efforts to weaken democracy in Indonesia, where there is increasingly high repression of civil liberties in expressing aspirations. Various cases of attacks and even criminalization have befallen Human Rights Defenders when taking action to defend their rights or when providing assistance to the community.
The Freedom House report shows a decline in Indonesia’s freedom score which continues to decline every year. In 2017, Indonesia received a score of 65/100, while in 2023, the score will only reach 58/100. The decline in civil liberties score is a major contributor to the decline in Indonesia’s score in 2023, which only received a score of 28/60.
The criminalization of Fatia Maulidiyanti and Haris Azhar from KontraS is a clear example of the silencing of critical voices through the Information and Information Transaction Law (ITE Law). ELSAM recorded a more than two-fold increase in attacks on environmental human rights defenders from 2019 to 2020, from 27 to 60 cases. Based on monitoring SAFEnet’s monitoring, throughout 2021 there were at least 193 incidents of digital attacks in which 58.95% of the victims are critical groups such as activists, journalists, students, and civil society organizations.
Meanwhile, in 2022 the number of victims of digital attacks increased rapidly to 326 people, of which 42.81% were still dominated by the four critical groups. WALHI also noted that between 2014-2023 there were 827 victims of violence and criminalization, of which 19 were women. were women. Komnas Perempuan’s study, Women Human Rights Defenders (PPHAM) received typical attacks aimed at their integrity as women, such as sexual attacks, attacks on their gender roles, character assassination with stereotypes, as well as discrimination/exclusion and politicization of women’s identity. women’s identity.
In the PPHAM Situation Rapid Assessment in 2021,iv Komnas Perempuan stated that in general, Human Rights Defenders experience attacks, intimidation, or threats such as (1) violence and threats of physical violence; (2) psychological violence/intimidation; (3) character assassination, for example being onsidered as ‘provocateurs’, ‘traitors to the state’, ‘separatists; (4) being legally charged by perpetrators or authorities; (5) ostracism and silencing efforts; and (6) destruction of livelihoods. It is even not uncommon for the silencing of Women Human Rights Defenders to be carried out by intimidating their families (husbands or children).
“Since 20 years ago, when I started to actively advocate for mining cases in North Sulawesi until today, the situation of protection for Human Rights Defenders is still very minimal, even the attacks are increasingly diverse, especially through digital attacks. especially through digital attacks, what happened to me for example, my cellphone was hacked and could no longer be used,” said and can no longer be used,” said Jull Takaliuang, a woman human rights defender and coordinator of Save Sangihe Island.
The passing of the new Criminal Code and Perppu No.2 of 2022 on Job Creation, is suspected to have the potential to increase the criminalization of human rights defenders.
“In addition, the revision of the ITE Law, which is expected to respond to various problems that result in the criminalization of Human Rights Defenders, is suspected that it will not change the situation much. In fact, the revision, which was carried out behind closed doors and did not involve the public, further restricts freedom of expression by giving the government wider discretion to block internet access without clear accountability,” said Rifqi S. Assegaf, Director of Democratic Justice Governance Reform KEMITRAAN.
However, there are several regulations that have the opportunity to protect PPHAM for example Article 66 of Law No.32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management which provides
governing Anti Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (Anti SLAPP) and Law No.12 of 2022
on Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence.v Even the protection of Environmental Human Rights Defenders is also contained in the Supreme Court Regulation (PER PER). Even the protection of Environmental Human Rights Defenders is also contained in the Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) No. 1 of 2023 concerning Legal Protection of Environmental Human Rights Defenders. Fighters for the Right to the Environment and Prosecutor’s Manual No. 8 of 2022 on the Handling of Environmental Cases. Handling of Environmental Cases.
The 25 years of reform have not yet provided good hope for the resolution of human rights cases and the protection of human rights defenders, especially women human rights defenders. Efforts to demand truth and justice, often face impunity efforts exhibited by the ruling regime, which prefers political calculations and power, rather than law enforcement.
Mrs. Sumarsih, the activist of the Kamisan action, said, “There have been more than 796 Kamisan actions, knocking on the door of the palace, so that the state is present and the law is enforced. The palace door, so that the state is present and has the courage to resolve cases of human rights violations, but this has not been fulfilled. has not been fulfilled. As mothers and women human rights defenders, the attacks on our struggle are not only stigmatized because we are women, but also the assumption that our advocacy is being ridden by interests of certain parties. If the state has neglected to investigate and resolve past human rights cases, how can we expect the resolve them, how can we expect other human rights cases to get justice?”
For this reason, the Caucus of Women Human Rights Defenders in a series of campaigns for 16 Days Against Violence against Women (16 HAKtP). Women (16 HAKtP) and the commemoration of nternational Women Human Rights Defenders Day on November 29, 2023, calls on the government to 2023, calls on the government to:
- Seriously fulfill its responsibility in guaranteeing human rights and protecting Human Rights Defenders and/or PPHAM through the formulation of laws and regulations, the implementation of development, investment, and law enforcement. development, investment, and law enforcement that are human rights-based.
- Establish mechanisms to protect human rights defenders that are comprehensive, inclusive and have a gender perspective.
- Revise/amend Human Rights Law No. 39/1999 to include protection articles for Human Rights Defenders and strengthen the authority of human rights institutions on Human Rights Defenders and strengthening the authority of Human Rights Institutions.
- Urge the government and the House of Representatives to open the second revision document of the ITE Bill transparently and involve public participation, as well as postpone the ratification of the ITE Bill. Involving public participation, and to postpone the ratification until all problematic articles that have been used to criminalize and silence PHAM and PPHAM, as well as several proposed new articles, are thoroughly discussed. Several proposed new articles, are thoroughly discussed and no longer have the potential to violate human rights rights. These articles include Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 3, Article 27 paragraph 3 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 3, Article 28 paragraph 2, Article 45 paragraph 3, Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45A paragraph 2, Article 29 in conjunction with Article 45B, Article 36 in conjunction with Article 51 paragraph 2, Article 40 paragraph 2a and 2b, and Article 43 paragraphs 3 and 6.
- Making operational regulations on article 66 of Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Management and Protection that regulates Anti-Strategy. Protection of the Environment which regulates Anti Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (Anti SLAPP). Participation (Anti SLAPP) with a meaningful participation process and contains substance that is gender-equitable and gender justice. In the current context, specifically guaranteeing legal protection and release Fatia Maulidiyanti and Haris Azhar from criminal charges as an implementation of the Anti SLAPP policy.
- Include the protection of Human Rights Defenders and PPHAM as part of the development focus in the RPJPN 2025-2045 in RPJPN 2025-2045 to RPJMN 2025 – 2029.
- Reform of the legal system and legal institutions as well as human rights-related capacity building for state institutions and apparatus. institutions and state apparatus, including an end to the use of violence and criminalization of human rights defenders and PPHAM of Human Rights Defenders and PPHAM by law enforcement officials.