KPK leaders from 2003-2019 deliver a moral call to the government to uphold ethics in running the government
JAKARTA – KEMITRAAN Executive Director and Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) 2015-2019 Laode M. Syarif delivered a moral appeal with other former KPK leaders at the KPK Anti-Corruption Learning Center Building, Kuningan, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/2/2024). The moral call was delivered in response to the political situation that seems to have lost its moral and ethical compass.
Therefore, KPK leaders from the 2003-2019 period appealed to the President and all state administrators to uphold moral and ethical standards in carrying out their mandates.
The implementation ofgood governance and the rule of law is expected to be internalized in every step and movement of state administrators. But during the election campaign, it seems to have been abandoned.
KPK leaders also expressed their statesmanship and exemplary behavior. should also be demonstrated by a President or Head of State, especially during the contestation period of the 2024 elections. However, this hope seems to be invisible.
This is reinforced by the decline in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score. Indonesia in the last four years. To note, in 2019 Indonesia’s CPI score reached 40 and decreased drastically to 34 in 2022 and 2023 and ranked 115 out of 180 countries surveyed.
In addition, theRule of Law Index issued by the World Justice Project , which only reached a value of 0.53 (from a scale of 0 to 1) in 2023, further shows the poor governance of law enforcement. The score is still very far from the ideal value of the rule of law index.
Later, The Economist Intelligence Unit even ranked Indonesia as a “flawed democracy”.
Then, according to the Varieties of Democracy Project, by 2023 Indonesia will only reach a score of 25. Indonesia is also described as a country with “political party cartel” practices due toextensive power-sharing among parties and limited accountability to voters.
Therefore, the KPK leaders from the 2003-2019 period called for a moral message to the President and all state officials to implement the following “PANCA LAKU”:
- Strengthen the corruption prevention and eradication agenda, and at the same time become arole model in carrying out anti-corruption attitudes and behaviors.
- Avoid anyconflict of interest, as conflict of interest is the root and first step towards corrupt practices.
- Improvegood governance, especially the governance of social assistance distribution based on a list of legitimate social assistance recipients,by name and address. The governance of social assistance has recently come under scrutiny because it was carried out in the run-up to the 2024 General Election and did not take into account the principles of good governance.
- To state administrators, especially law enforcement officials (Police-Prosecutor’s Office) and the TNI are expected to always be impartial, fair, and not take sides to win certain presidential / vice presidential / legislative candidates.
- Ensure therule of law and not rule by law.
May God Almighty always provide strength and help for all of us to realize social justice for all Indonesian people.
Jakarta, February 5, 2024 KPK leaders 2003-2019:
- Taufiequrachman Ruki
- Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas
- Laode M Syarif
- M Busyro Muqodas
- Abraham Samad
- Chandra M Hamzah
- Haryono Umar
- Bibit Samad Rianto
- Mas Achmad Santosa
- Basaria Panjaitan
- Amien Sunaryadi
- Adnan Pandu Praja
- Mohammad Jassin
- Zulkarnain Waluyo