by Admin SEIDE

Youth Camp 2024 is one of the efforts made by the Partnership to instill awareness of climate change in the younger generation. – The impact of climate change has been felt, especially by residents in the North Coast of Java such as Pekalongan City, Pekalongan Regency, Semarang City, Tegal City, Demak Regency, and Batang Regency. Coastal areas in these six regions are often inundated by tidal floods due to rising sea levels.
With the support of the Adaptation Fund, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the Central Java Provincial Government, Kemitraan held Youth Camp 2024 in Bandungan, Semarang Regency on August 9-11.
Youth Camp 2024 is one of the efforts made by Kemitraan to instill young people’s awareness of climate change.
The young generation is the spearhead in dealing with climate change. This is because the future of climate-resilient development is in their hands. In the future, young people will also be the ones who determine pro-climate policies.
Through Youth Camp 2024, young people from the six regions are invited to understand climate change, which should be their daily problem. They are invited to understand it through game simulations and art and cultural performances.
Thus, heavy topics such as climate change can be understood easily and become their daily conversation. This is because climate change also affects their daily lives, such as the disruption of food stocks due to the chaotic planting season. Likewise, tidal flooding greatly disrupts their daily activities such as studying or working.
Partnership Operations Director Saiful Doeana said the Youth Camp has been held from 2022 to 2024 every year. This is part of the Adaptation Fund program in Pekalongan City, one of which aims to involve young people in climate change adaptation efforts.
“We do this activity by expanding the network of participants so that it can become a forum for raising awareness of young people on climate change management, especially related to adaptation actions that can be carried out by all of us,” Saiful said.
“We are very happy and appreciate the enthusiasm of our friends in participating in this activity, where there are approximately 100 young people from three cities and three districts who attended,” he continued.
Soegiharto, Head of Watershed Management and Natural Resources Conservation of the Central Java Provincial Government, echoed the same sentiment. He said climate change control essentially aims to reduce ecological impacts. It also strengthens the economic and social resilience of the community through the creation of alternative livelihoods. Both of these require the role of the younger generation.
“The young generation is expected to contribute to the community, by being active in creating innovations such as plastic processing, the use of digital technology in disaster early warning systems and climate information, and others,” Soegiharto said.
The Adaptation Fund program in Pekalongan City has been ongoing since 2021. Along the way, the Partnership and Pekalongan City Government have made a number of efforts to address climate change such as mangrove planting to reduce the risk of rising sea levels. (*/dms)