The Technical Coordination Workshop and Preparation for Talud Rehabilitation in 2024 was organized by the Executive Director of Harmony Alam Indonesia (HAI). The event was attended by the Head of the River Basin Agency, Heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations of Maluku Province and Central Maluku Regency, and representatives of local governments in Leihitu District, Wednesday (1/2/2024).
Assistant I Regional Secretary of Maluku Habiba Saimima in her remarks expressed her gratitude to the director of HAI and his staff who have carried out this workshop in order to reduce and the impact of disasters due to tidal waves that can cause damage to residential areas and other public facilities.
“Environmental issues have become strategic issues that attract serious attention, both at the local, national and global levels. Environmental pollution will become more serious, and if not considered together the impacts on the environment are not only related to one or two aspects. But they are interrelated with one another, according to the nature of the environment, and affect each other in a subsystem manner. This means that if one aspect of the environment is affected by a problem, then other aspects will experience impacts or consequences,” said Habiba.
Furthermore, coastal areas are areas that are very vulnerable to climate change, such as coastal abrasion or due to human actions. Therefore, embankments are very functional to hold the soil and protect soil conditions and prevent landslides.
Considering the important role of taluds for human life, it is necessary to repair taluds that have been damaged by the waves.
“For this reason, I hope that the regional leaders of the municipal districts and related agencies will continue to collaborate so that the construction of coastal embankments can be carried out properly,” he said.
“I also hope that in addition to physically repairing wave-retaining walls, we must also educate the community on the responsibility and importance of protecting their coastal areas from the threat of landslides, rising sea levels and the threat of tidal floods that can threaten them at any time,” he continued.
HAI Beserta Jajaran Melaksanakan Kegiatan Workshop Akibat Dampak Bencana Alam*