The drafting of the South Sulawesi Governor’s Decree on the Management of Baonto, Apparang, Raowa Watersheds at Same Resort Hotel Bira Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, Saturday (24/2/2024).
The Bulukumba Watershed Forum (For-DAS) drafted a Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi on the Baonto, Apparang, Raowa Watershed Management Plan. The activity took place at the Same Hotel Ballroom, Bira, Bontobahari District, Bulukumba Regency, Saturday, February 24, 2024.
One of the members of For-DAS Bulukumba, Dr.Maskur who was also present representing the Chairman of For-DAS Bulukumba, revealed that the draft Governor’s Decree was made as a legalization of the RP-DAS Baonto, Apparang, and Raowa documents that had been made previously.
Maskur explained that the RP-DAS contains short-term, medium-term and long-term plans, which then become a reference, input and consideration for provincial or regional level development activity plans in preserving or restoring watershed functions.
The document specifically targets the Apparang, Raowa and Baonto watersheds. Where these three watersheds are located or pass through the Ammatoa Kajang customary area.
“So this document (RP-DAS) contains an analysis of the characteristics of the watershed system including biophysical characteristics of the watershed, social, economic and institutional characteristics,” Maskur explained.
“Furthermore, it analyzes problems, formulates management strategies, and synchronizes programs and long-term plans for watershed management in Apparang, Raowa, and Baonto,” he added.
Maskur also said that the watershed management documentary would later be synchronized with the visions and missions of the regional heads, both the Governor of South Sulawesi and the Regent of Bulukumba.
Moreover, according to him, the Regent of Bulukumba, Andi Muchtar Ali Yusuf is also very serious in the development of Bulukumba Regency based on the environment.
On several occasions, the Regent always gave an appeal about development, especially in the sustainable agricultural sector.
“The Regent certainly fully supports environmental conservation programs, especially in the agricultural sector, so I hope this RP-DAS document can be a reference in development in Bulukumba Regency,” Maskur hoped.
Maskur also expressed his gratitude to those who have supported the formation of For-DAS Bulukumba and the preparation of the RP-DAS Bulukumba.
“We especially thank Payo-payo, OASE, KEMITRAAN, and the Adaptation Fund for coordinating this activity,” Maskur said.
Source: radarselatan.fajar.co.id
For-DAS Bulukumba Rancang SK Gubernur Soal Daerah Aliran Sungai, Bagaimana Penambang Ilegal?